Founding Volunteers
Alejandra Ruiz (She/Her)
When people are connected to Love Wins they leave with food to nourish their bodies and a new community to nourish their soul.
Jesus Daniel Puerto (He/Him)
To address food injustice, we must first acknowledge the systemic barriers that many of us face. Our identities are intertwined with our access to nourishment. - Dawn Turner:
Mark Buhrmester
Eddie Valentin
Operational Team
Mauricio Piratova (He/Him)
Love is an action never simply a feeling - bell hooks
Marisol Castellanos (She/Her)
The idea of freedom is inspiring. But What does it mean? If you are free in a political sense but have no food, what’s that? The freedom to starve. - Angela Davis
Michael Puerto
Anastasia Chiu
Carly Sorenson (She/her)
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
Hearts starve as well as bodies; bread and roses, bread and roses. - James Oppenheim -
Claudia Gonzalez
Cyrus Moore (He/Him)
We try to build a loving, restorative heart in a heartless world, without losing focus on how to get to a different one, not in the next life, but in the coming years.” - Danny Katch
Day Sanchez (She/Her)
Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together.
Heather Gallagher
Matthew Linn
Mark Rusell
Peter Gartland (He/Him)
“I enjoy volunteering with LWFP because the people we service are all hyper local and we’re minimizing food insecurity. The time commitment is just a few days a month and I love all my fellow volunteers.”
Ruth Lopez (She/Her)
“Mi apoyo a la comunidad es el motor que me mantiene viva día a día“
Scott Sorenson