Sustain the Pantry: Join Our Collective

Photo by Daniel Puerto of volunteers at the food pantry.

Photo by Daniel Puerto of volunteers at the food pantry.


Good news - you can now support Love Wins Food Pantry by making donations through Open Collective, a community fundraising platform. 


Follow the link above to find our Collective page. There, you can choose to become a Monthly Sustainer and donate $5 or more per month to our cause. Alternatively, you can make a one-time contribution of any size. You can use your credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer to make a donation.


Have you ever received groceries from Love Wins Food Pantry? Do you enjoy gathering with your friends and neighbors at the pantry every week? Do you appreciate how Love Wins Food Pantry serves your neighborhood? Do you believe that all people deserve to be supported, accepted, and food secure? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, and if you have the means, please consider joining our Collective and supporting Love Wins Food Pantry. 

If you would like to donate, there are several benefits to doing so through Open Collective as opposed to platforms like GoFundMe or Venmo. For one thing, Open Collective makes it easy to give recurring donations. For another, all transactions on Open Collective are visible to the public. At the same time, personal information is kept private. This way, you will always know how your contribution is being used. In addition, if you donate to the pantry through Open Collective, you will receive a tax deduction. 

I’ve learned a lot from Love Wins Food Pantry, and I’m sure many of you feel the same. One of the lessons that I’ve taken to heart is that it is not enough to do one good thing in this world. In order to create a lasting change, we need to build strong relationships and establish reliable, long-lasting networks of support. We need to be sustainable. And with your sustainable support, we will be.

With love always, Carly


Conocer a tus Vecinos: Ruth López Martínez


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